Positive Feedbacks
20240626The Spiritual Mountain Is In Your Mind, by Xu Kai-hsien
The Good Effect June 26, 2024 Chiayi - Xu Kai-hsien (June 26, 2024 Guide/Cloud Reading Editor-in-Chief) Translated By ChatGPT Edited By Siri Su Proof Reading: Beng Peng Topic: The spiritual mountain is in your mind When I first started preparing the guided reading presentation materials, I regrette...
20240131Tzu Chi Youth is Always Here, by Honglin Chen
Sharer: Honglin Chen (陳泓霖) Translated by: Hueiwen Yang (楊惠雯) Edited by:Meiling Yang (楊美玲) Topic: Tzu Chi Youth is Always Here In the past, I used to be very resistant to the "study group". It seems like it is just sutra study that might be an activity helpful to put a person to sl...
20231206 Generate Gentle and the Power of Life, by Zhao Min
Sharer: Budapest, Hungary Zhao Min (匈牙利布達佩斯 趙敏) Translated by: Vivian Yang (台中 楊惠雯) Edited by:Celia Hung (洪芯宜) Topic: Generate Gentle and the Power of Life (溫柔的生產 生命的力量) I was very moved when I saw senior sister Zhirui sharing her birth process....
20231004Seeing the Goodness, Kindness, and Beauty of the book club, by Dr. Lin Ying-Chao, Neurosurgery, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital
Sharer: Dr. Lin Ying-Chao, Neurosurgery, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital台中慈院神經外科 林英超主任(20231004分享嘉賓) Translated by: Nina Cheng (鄭為云) Edited by:Celia Hung (洪芯宜) Topic:Seeing the goodness, kindness, and beauty of the book club 看到讀書會的真善美 Ru...
20230927Because of You and Me, There Is Spring, by Ivy Lu
20230927泰國呂錦淑 高雄線上讀書會跨國導讀/文編 因為有您我,所以有春天 Topic: Because of You and Me, There Is Spring Sharer:Lu Jinshu from Thailand, Guiding Reader /Editor of Online Study Group Kaohsiung) Translator:James(徐智龍) Reviewer: De Jane Chou (周德禎) Pro...
20230419 Image, Impression, Impact, by Li, Shujin, USA
) 美國李淑錦(高雄線上讀書會台語口譯/跨國導讀團隊) Topic: Image, Impression, Impact Sharer: Li, Shujin, USA (Online Study Group Kaohsiung/Interpretation Team) Translator: De Jane Chou (周德禎) Reviewer: Yu-Shan Tsai (蔡雨珊) Proofreader: Georgia Frazer Final Editor: Su Jih...
20230222 The Study Group Is The Place Where I Find My Role Models, by Huang Fang-wen from US
美國順口溜&跨區跨國導讀團隊 (20230222分享者) American Rap Team & Cross-area and Cross-country Reader’s Guiding Team The sharer: Huang Fang-wen (黃芳文) English translator: Irene Tsai Chiao-min (蔡嬌敏) Edited by:Celia Hung (洪芯宜) Topic: The Study Group is the pl...
20230222 Let Go for Delightment Always Be Gratitude, by Tzuhsi Sun from US
Topic: Let go for delightment always be gratitude Sharer: Tzuhsi Sun from US Translator: Zheng Yayin(鄭雅尹) Reviewer: Chen Ying Rong (陳映蓉) Proofreader: Anita Kwan Editor: Su Jihou (蘇紀豪) I am still deeply touched by attending the Kaohsiung online study group again. Seeing Teacher Mei...
20220914Kaohsiung’s Home Field Conveyed the Positive Energy of Love. It Was Great, by Lin Yanyue Guest from Yun Lin
Sharer: Lin Yanyue Guest from Yun Lin (林燕月, Yun Lin) Topic: Kaohsiung’s Home Field Conveyed the Positive Energy of Love. It Was Great. Translator: Xu Zhilong (徐智龍) Reviewer: De Jane Chou (周德禎) Proofreader: Wu Zhenyan (吳振嫣) Editor: Su Jihou(蘇紀豪) I was grateful for the...
20220831 The Sounds & Rhymes In The World Are As Vast As The Ocean – by Ivy Lu from Thailand
Sharer: Ivy Liu (呂錦淑 from Thailand) Translated by: Wayne Hong (洪崇維) Edited by:Celia Hung (洪芯宜) Topic: The sounds and rhymes in the world are as vast as the ocean. Teacher Tzu-Yun (who is a radio host at Da Ai Radio) has students and fans all around the world. We are fortunate to h...