Sharer: Zheng, Jin (鄭儘) 2022.07.13. Kaohsiung Online Study Group
Series: Daily Journal of Dharma Master Cheng Yen (衲履足跡),
Autumn Volume, Sept. 9th – Sept. 15th , 2021
Translator: Wayne Hong (台中/洪崇維)Taichung
Editor:Celia Hung (台中/洪芯宜), Taichung
Topic:Vegan Is The Way Of Earth Purification
Respectful Master Cheng-Yen, Dear Jing-Si Bhikkhunis, And all other Tzu-Chi families, Good Day!!
I’m Cheng Jing, my Dharma name given by Master Cheng-Yen is U-Pei,
And the topic I’ll be sharing today is [ Vegan Is The Way Of Earth Purification ]
Covid-19 pandemic has been surging for almost 3 years now, it is still affecting people’s daily life, in which led to more natural and men-made disasters, thus causing more suffering in this world. From the Eight Realization of Great Beings Sutra, it stated [One must always be aware of the uncertainty, even to the scale of homeland destruction], and that’s exactly what we are facing globally, an un-coordinated earth!
Master Cheng-Yen cares about all beings in this word, which is why she constantly calls on everyone’s awareness of the importance of veganism! We all must be conscious that livestock farming not only pollutes our environment, but also bad for our health when consuming meats from such polluted farms. Master Cheng-Yen said, we should, and we can choose to eat with a purpose not enjoyment, a karma free vegetarian meal. Veganism is the only way to calm down all the tumbling in this world.
In “Life Wisdom” onSept. 17th 2021 ( 06:31~09:51) Ven. Master said : “At this moment, there is something I must say. What is it that I have to say? Vegetarianism is a must. To know what Vegetarianism is about, it takes everyone to think mindfully. Being vegetarian is about eating clean food such as grain food corps. I have kept saying that vegetables and fruits have their unique aroma, and they are something we can eat. They taste sweet and smell great, and their flavor is truly wonderful. There are varieties of vegetarian food to choose from, so why do people choose to eat flesh of animals that are raised in an unclean environment? Animals have been fed with food that people don’t eat and are cruelly slaughtered for their flesh by humans. Their flush is cruelly cut into pieces of meat and people put them into their mouth, one piece after another. Why do people do this? Such an eating habit is because of people’s deluded thinking which is distorted and ignorant. All these is to satisfy our craving for meat in the few seconds in our month. So, I have to continuously say these words again and again. I keep hoping that volunteers can become vegetarian. I keep saying that we must eat a vegetarian diet. So, of course, I myself eat a vegetarian diet. Do other people, volunteers, find it necessary to eat a vegetarian diet? Volunteers, ordinary beings lead an ignorant and deluded life. We need to mindfully learn and see (principles) so that we are not those stubborn and ignorant children in the burning house. We should awaken and see principles. We must open our eyes and see principles. This has been awakened. Volunteers, I hope volunteers around the world can hear my talk.”
Yes, we should all know better now not to consume on whichever we can find!
Master Cheng-Yen said, we should retain to learn pure hearted, and that is when we can be one step closer to Buddha’s teaching. From many religions’ points of view, veganism also means animal slaughtering free, in other words protecting lives.
On the other hand, karma will keep stacking up from the continue usage of animal products! Karma will be accumulated and spread among all humanity and possibly leads to disasters, thus protecting animal lives also means protecting human lives.
Eating is important, our health depends on it. So, the question of whether practicing veganism is what most people debates. In my opinion, we should start this argument by focusing on what is the purpose of eating? The purpose is to obtain nutrition through a humane way for our body to maintain health.
Therefore, in terms of anatomy, Dr. Yang Din-I has his answer from his book (Medical Truth), Dr. Yang conducted a research on the difference of carnivores and herbivores digestion system, it turns out both have high similarities from their bone structure to physical functions.
And to look at from the teeth structure aspect, both carnivore and herbivore have flat, wide, short and developed molar teeth! Of course, the herbivore focusing more on grinding their foods, and carnivores on tearing with theirs.
Next, let’s look at their digesting system, carnivore’s saliva and stomach acid are meant to dissolve their foods, meat and bones etc. The herbivores’ saliva on the other hand tends to contain more alkaline and digestive enzymes for carbohydrate and vegetables. And so are we humans!!! This means humans are meant to intake more plant types of foods! Human stomach will take longer processing time to digest meat type of foods
Then the enteric system, the length of a human small intestine is normally 7-8 meters long, and 8 to 12 times then our heights. Therefore, before defecation, there just might be 10 meals worth of waste piling up in it. Unlike the carnivore’s digesting system, human stomach’s prolong processing time may cause the breeding of unwanted gut bacteria, which may lead to affecting and even damaging other organs like livers and kidney, such cycle can result with many health problems. So, there’s our answer for whether practicing veganism or not, without any doubts, veganism is the natural way for human consuming.
In Malaysia, there is a teenager volunteer (Xie, Yi-shan), who was born in a Tzu Chi family. She is full of energy and very curious in learning, and she can't bear to hurt small animals since her childhood. The passion for small animals is the driving force for her to insist on vegetarianism. She often shares her vegetarian experience on social media, promoting vegetarianism even she was rejected or unsuccessful.
In Da-Ai TV News on April 13th, 2020, the news broadcasting a 10-years-old girl who inviting friends to response to her call for animals and to become a vegetarianism. (0:05~2:08)
On social media, 10-year-old Xie, Yi-shan shared his experience of being a vegetarian with videos, and every word she said was very touching.
Xie, Yi-shan: "'Why don't you try a vegetarian diet? You can save a small animal by trying a vegetarian diet occasionally, isn't that good?' They nodded again, and then I knew that it didn't work, so I waited for the next opportunity to try again."
Yi-Shan is a vegetarian baby who grows up in a Tzu Chi family. She is very compassionate since she was a child. Her unwillingness to harm small animals is the driving force behind his insistence on vegetarianism.
Xie, Yi-shan: "If you imagine that you are that little animal, you are born with the destiny to be slaughtered, then eaten, aren’t sad and pitiful? Even if you don't eat it, it has been killed and it is ready to be brought out, but if you don't eat it, killing will be lesser eventually."
Get rid of the myth that if you do not eat meat, there is no nutrition. Yi-shan is full of energy and with good learning and self-discipline, even her teacher recognizes her good attitudes.
Xie, Yi-shan: "You must have a goal. If you don't have a goal, you will not be motivated. If you haven’t achieved the goal, continue to work hard. (Singing) Firmly respect life, and the pure heart calls on everyone to inspire kindness. If you don't crave for meat, you can rescue small animals that were about to be killed in that moment, so I hope everyone can become a vegetarian with me.”
Let us applaud the efforts of Yi-shan. Yi-shan is 12 years old now (2022), and she made a vow to encourage people to conduct vegetarian diet 500 times last year. She reported to Ven. Master that she had achieved 667 vegetarian meals in June 2022. Ven. Master encouraged and said Yi-shan is dignified girl who is elegant, and full of love. The direction of promoting vegetarian is clear, countless animals have saved because of Yi-shan's persuasion.
Ven. Master said respecting life means great love. We shall seize the opportunity to promote vegetarian and call for good deeds. Despite the outcome and successful rate, we must continue to push and promote vegetarian, because this is not a one-time event, but a long-term education. We all shall be the one to lead the way to the good direction in the world.
When the mind turns, the karma turns. The vitality of plants and trees can give people enough nutritious but eating meat can cause people to fall into ignorance and darkness. To save the earth's environment, vegetarianism is an especially important panacea. Let us review Ven. Master's advice together. "To have World peace, we need love, being a vegetarian is the only way of getting the true love."
Let’s be vegetarian together, promote vegetarianism, Vegan Is the Way of Earth Purification. Thank you