Cultivation in a group by Lin Yuru

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20220706 Kaohsiung online study group

Guide: Lin Yuru(林俞如)

Translator: Siri Su

Proof Reader: Beng Peng


Cultivation in a group

Reading: 2021 Daily Journal of Dharma Master Cheng Yen, Autumn, 09/25-09/30


Dear Master, Dharma masters at Jing Si Abode and global Tzu Chi family, I am Yuru. Today, I am sharing my reading of 2021 Daily Journal of Dharma Master Cheng Yen, Autumn chapter, 09/25-09/30 and the topic is cultivation in a group.


Human beings are social animals, and we have to experience a variety of group life, from family, school, workplace, and other social groups. Are we able to hold the right attitude in these different groups? On September 25th, the Master has mentioned in her talk with Tzu Chi volunteers, everyone has different growing environment and backgrounds, and different habitual tendencies. As people work together, they need to blend in the groups. The Master also reminded everyone that everyone has pure Buddha nature, but they have not got rid of their habitual tendencies, so they must learn to tolerate one another. We often hold on to our beliefs because of our professional knowledge or personal experience. As a result, we forget to respect other people and listen to them. This is what Buddhism refers to as the obstacle of what is known


There is a Tzu Chi brother in Hualien whose name is Fan Lei. He was a professional soldier and disliked Tzu Chi. He criticized Tzu Chi for ten years. Later, he was touched by the humbleness of recycling volunteers and therefore joined Tzu Chi. However, even after he joined Tzu Chi, he still saw Tzu Chi’s shortcomings. In Essence of the Bodhi mind that was aired on Feb. 24th, 2018, Fan Lei said, “ In the past, I was very arrogant and I thought I could do anything. In the past, when I first became a group leading volunteer, I could carry task by myself. So, I was very arrogant. In terms of leadership, I could order people, just like what people do in the army. When people could not fulfill my expectations, I would be very strict and it would show on my facial expressions. As a result, although we could accomplish the needed tasks, the Tzu Chi brothers and sisters did not get along well. Later, I gradually discovered that to accomplish a task well, we cannot rely on just one person. I need group efforts. If we work as a team, more people could join us and we can recruit more volunteers. When I first joined Tzu Chi, I thought that Tzu Chi is an inefficient organization. Although we can accomplish a task with a few people, they would invite a lot of people. So, when I worked as a team leader, I could use minimal manpower. However, after I learned the Master’s teachings, I realized this is a field of blessings. We should not cut down on manpower, but we should recruit more people, so everyone can do good deeds.”


When the Master taught the chapter on skillful means, she mentioned that being humble inside is achievement and tolerating is merit. As we cultivate ourselves, if we are arrogant and proud, we will not progress. The Master has encouraged us not to give up. The Buddha has formed positive affinities with people over long periods of time. So, we should try to form good affinities with other people from now on. Let’s listen to the Master’s teachings. In Essence of the Bodhi mind that was aired on Feb. 24th, 2018, the Master has said, “Everyone should cross borders and relieve ourselves. To transcend boundaries, we cannot hold on to common beliefs. As we hold on to common beliefs, we should compare ourselves with others and think that we care more capable. As we enlarge our ego, we are ordinary human beings. This is losing oneself and enlarging our egos. As we expand our own space, we should shrink other people’s space, do you think that people will like you? No. You should go amongst the public and be accepted by people. If you want people to accept you, you must first accept others. If you are not endearing and if you are arrogant and proud, who would welcome you? That is impossible. Therefore, the Buddha has said that before we attain Buddhahood, we must form good affinities with other people. Everyone has his or her habitual tendencies. We should accommodate people’s habitual tendencies. Then, we can transform them. That is a Bodhisattva. If you could overcome the challenges of being in a group, we will nurture our wisdom, as affliction is Bodhi.


In fact, living is cultivating. We cultivate our minds in different environments. I will share some sentences I saw on the Internet, “Facing our children, we cultivate our temper, facing our partners, we cultivate our tolerance. Facing our parents, we cultivate filial piety, and facing our friends, we cultivate our moral character. Facing miseries, we cultivate good deeds and facing professionalism, we cultivate our humbleness.”


May we learn from the spirit of the humble Bodhisattva and see everyone as a future Buddha. We should belittle our egos and respect other people, as we pursue a better self.


Thank you for studying with me!


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