同舟共濟揚帆起 乘風破浪萬里航
Irene Ang(洪麗絲):
Grateful to team for letting me take the exercise slot. Sis Mooi Lin kindly extracted the relevant for us. Hearing the Minnanyue song for 3 times, but I didn’t get the meaning. I translated and tried my best to understand the song, but it's still not accurate. Sis Mooi Lin kindly help me to look thru on Tuesday night and I just realised I missed out the sugarcane part. Life saviour Sister Mooi Lin. I could now get the meaning. Not only that, I like the meaning too, how lifespan cannot be determined and life is not sweet, but a mixture of salty sourish bitter, which represents the ordinary life. Feeling grateful to be in this beautiful team.
Foo Chin Yen(符金燕):
For me, today's session was the most confident I have been. I usually depend on slots that have written transcripts but this time, there was a brief paragraph accompanied by slides in Chinese. I began to recognise some Chinese characters and can make a hazy conclusion of the meaning. When it came to my turn, I relied on these 2 resources and the live English translation in hope to deliver the essence of the sharer's objective. I believe this round, I'm closer to doing justice to the sharing. Grateful for the support by my teammates, knowing that you are always there to back me up.
今天感冒初愈,聲音有點沙啞,口譯有點吃力。還好團隊默契好,當我接不上時,趕緊來支援。何國慶師兄在加拿大把靜思語發揚光大,看到他發揮慈濟精神,難行能行,好佩服! 靜思語歌曲實在好好聽!!當介紹翻譯成馬來西語的靜思語歌時,我也忍不住跟著哼唱起來。譜曲製作到出版,過程好漫長哦,用了21年時間!我們要好好珍惜,一切因緣來得不易。感恩。