Comprehensiveness of Tzu-Chi Wisdom by Yi-Tin Wang

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2022.06.8. Kaohsiung Online Study Group

Sharer: Yi-Tin Wang (王溢亭), volunteer from An-Ping District of Tainan

Series: Daily Journal of Dharma Master Cheng Yen (衲履足跡), 

Autumn Volume, Aug. 1st—Aug. 8th, 2021

Translator: Wang, Sue Jing (台中/王淑靜), Taichung 

Yang, Mei ling (台中/楊美玲), Taichung 

Editor:Wayne Hong (台中/洪崇維), Taichung 

Topic:Comprehensiveness of Tzu-Chi Wisdom (慈濟智慧遍全)

Respectful Master Cheng-Yen, dear Jing-Si Bhikkhunis, our brothers, sisters and all online Tzu Chi families, good day! I am Yi-Tin from Tainan.


As mentioned in our Weekly Reading Scope, there were total 26,850 people from 52 different countries/regions participated in our 2021 Global Volunteer Leaders Online Training Courses, some from Bengal, Nepal, Peru, and Republic of Sierra Leone even showed their enthusiasm by still participated without prior registration. Thus, 11 different languages were used and translated throughout the courses


Tzu-Chi is a Bodhisattva path, in which the world living Bodhisattvas all shares. Although they may be living in different routines and yet pursuing the same goal. Master Cheng-Yen once said, "Tzu-Chi volunteers may be, are different by races, skin colors or languages, but still share the same aspiration of awareness and compassion. And it is the same aspiration that bonds all Bodhisattvas together in hands and hearts that reaches out to those suffering in needs. And among all the sharing from our global volunteers, it was the story from Hunter Point, San Francisco that left me the strongest impression. 

In Hunters Point San Francisco, two-third of the children are from poverty. Tzu-Chi volunteers have started Happy Campus Program since 2004. Sue-Yuen Huang, the volunteer responsible for promoting the program, said, "One time, a child asked me, "Are you afraid?" I looked at him and replied "A little bit". He then said, ""Don't be afraid! As long as you keep yourself low and cover yourself. You should be fine. " Whenever walking in Hunters Point, most houses along the streets are nailed with think and heavy wooden boards on the windows and doors, regardless which floor they are on. The purpose of the boards is to prevent break-ins from unwanted guests. The children there are often reminded by their parents not to stick out their heads out of the windows. Even when they stay at home, they have to keep their bodies lower than the windows to prevent unexpected gun shots.


Sue-Yuen Huang said, "When we first entered the school of Hunters Point, we asked a second-grade kid, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" That kid gazed at us and said, "I want to be a robber." We then looked at him and answered, "No! No! No! You will never ever want to become a robber." By hearing the kid's wish, the volunteers not only felt astonished but also realized how a growing environment can impact on a child as well as the mission to be carried on their shoulders. Yu-Jien Lin said, "I understand worst influences come from poor conditions, and they could be trapped in this vicious cycle for generations if they do not receive proper assistance or educations."


Through the teachings of Jing-Si Aphorisms from Tzu-Chi volunteers, those kids were able to also learn Chinese, as well as different cultures. Having tug-of-war with gangsters and crimes, Tzu-Chi volunteers from San Francisco choose to start educating the kids when they are little. Starting 2009, the volunteers collaborated with Malcolm X Academy elementary school to provide after-school tutoring in mathematics and gradually build up relationship with the school kids. Furthermore, the tutoring scope was expanded to include Chinese lessons, Computer lessons and even Tzu-Chi humanities courses, such as Jing-Si Aphorisms, environmental protection concept and bamboo bank spirit. The volunteers not only guided the kids to know more about humanities step by step, but also take them out of from the impact of their local gangster culture. 


The African representative of Hunters Point community gave their gratitude towards Tzu Chi’s effort in City Council meeting, also expressed they will protect Tzu Chi and Asian residents, Hunters Point community is a safe place to live in.  There is a report in 4/22/2015 relates to how Tzu Chi spreads love in Hunter Point community (


From 2009, volunteers from Tzu Chi San Francisco branch starts working with Marita family who came from Samoa Islands to help residents in Hunters Points community.  Over the past six years, Marita family interacted frequently with Tzu Chi volunteers, and built mutual understandings and trust with each other, in which established the long-term relationship between Tzu Chi volunteers and the 13 people in Marita family.  Volunteers has become a significant portion in Marita family’s daily life.

Tiana Karef, daughter of Marita said, “Sue-Yuen Huang had asked me what kind of work I was looking for? I told her, I have been volunteers in elementary, junior high and high school, so I want to be a teacher.  She started searching jobs for me, I did not know that at that time, I did not feel she cares that much. But she really did, she even spoke to headmaster for me, so I could find a full-time job in our school district.” It is her care and help over the years that brought us closer and got along so well, we are not only good friends, we are more like families. 

Joseph Karef who is the husband of Marita said, “When Cong-Ming Yang was cooking, I did not know at all that he was cooking vegetarian food, I thought it was chicken and it did taste like chicken, vegetarian food is very healthy and good for our body.”

Marita also worked with Tzu Chi volunteers to make plan on how to help our own community, Marita said, “I don’t want to start a work, then stop in the middle, the partner I want is who can support and encourage me, we can work like a team, when I mentioned I would like to provide food to the homeless, Sue-Yuen Huang just said,” Excellent, let’s do it.” We had already built up a good relationship and trust, we will try our best to help each other from now on. 


From this report we could see that Tzu Chi volunteers not only provided economical support, also spread Buddhism to community residents, interacted with residents with love, treat them like families, so called “Teach them Buddhism after relief their suffering.” and let them get real blessings.    


Next is Father Ru-Ji from Haiti, he expressed in his sharing that he will never forget Ven. Master’s exhort that to become the one seed which to generate countless more seeds in Haiti.  Father Ru-Ji expressed, you could not imaginethe kind oflife style in Haiti, you could get kidnapping or robbed any time, so volunteers will say good bye to their families whenever they leave home, because they could possibly never come back home. 


Father Ru-Ji narratived his mental journey, “Love is the highest above everything, I think Ven. Master has same thoughts, that is why Ven. Master says everyone possess Buddha Nature; for me, God is inside my mind, it’s the same principle.”  


In 5/12/2020, there is a report 【Bathing Buddha in Haiti,  Father has no suspension】described the Bathing Buddha ceremony in Haiti, and wishes of Father Ru-Ji

Haiti is a Caribbean Island, the Bathing Buddha ceremony held in Tzu Chi campus, Tzu Chi volunteers from local and other countries bow to the Buddha every 3 steps to show the respect to Buddha, also refresh their own mind, even though the sunshine is hot, but the steps are love, step into the slum.  Father Ru-Ji, also as Tzu Chi volunteer, prey for Ven. Master and Tzu Chi volunteers globally.  Father Ru-Ji said, “I am so grateful to Ven. Master, also to Tzu Chi, I believe that is a feeling, we follow the steps of volunteers and the system to help the poor family globally, that is why I prey to wish Ven. Master healthy and all volunteers healthy, then they can continue helping all poor family globally.”

Haiti volunteer James said, “I am so happy could attend this ceremony, we are here to represent ML3 team, so many people could not come because of Covid 19 pandemic, we are here to pray together to wish pandemic will be ended soon, everything can get back normally, specific appreciation to Ven. Master Cheng Yen.”   

Haiti volunteer Yong-Zhong Chang said, “I just interview Father Ru-Ji about how he feels attending Bathing Buddha ceremony, first he is grateful to Bodhisattva, Ven. Master, Tzu Chi volunteers globally, then he is grateful to Tzu Chi foundation, because such a great foundation, so the suffering people globally can get help, so he prays to Bodhisattva to bless Ven. Master and Tzu Chi volunteers globally to be healthy, so they can help more people in suffering.”


This report made me generate a deep thought, I am grateful I have the opportunity to join Tzu Chi, I am proud of Tzu Chi.  Ven. Master teaches us that we are blessed that have the affinity to create Tzu Chi world and to pave the great love together.  Tzu Chi volunteers should uphold as one and take Master’s teaching in mind, spread the Buddhism, enlighten others and let the world has one more layer of pandemic membrane.  

Gratitude to all families, wish all of you have the blessing and wisdom needed. 


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