The Unwavering Spirit of the Dumpling Twines by Lee Hui Miao

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Reader : Lee Hui Miao李蕙妙(心妙)

Topic :  The Unwavering Spirit of the Dumpling Twines.

Schedule :2021/01/25~01/31


Translator: Eugene Tan (SG) 鄧國榮

Reviewer: Ho Joo Lim (MY) 何裕霖

Proof Read: Ong Mooi Lin (MY) 王美齡

During the planning meeting of Tzu Chi Mission of Education on the 31st of Jan, Dharma Master Cheng Yen in her discourse stated : Tzu Chi started 55 years ago from the humble story of 50 cents a day to the current story of a grasp of rice savings. From small footsteps in Taiwan into the international stage. From our beloved earth until an asteroid in space is named as Tzu Chi Asteroid. Master anticipated that the Education Mission would utilize materials  “incorporating history with Tzu Chi philosophy “ .

The origin of Tzu Chi history is from our Tzu Chi monthly magazine, on my hand is the reprint copy of 20th July, Republic of China year 1956,  reissued in conjunction with Tzu Chi 40th anniversary. This small piece of paper, allows us to witness the spiritual essence of the origins of Tzu Chi Dharma Lineage. 


From the opening paragraph, we can see that although the printout space for the Tzu Chi Magazine is modest but very precious indeed. We definitely would not waste a single word or sentence to publishing words which are neither helpful to others nor benefitting to the world. Not now or in the future, we would not go against our principles and purposes in carry out anything irrelevant and not related to matters concerning “ Compassion or Salvation for the world ”.


Furthermore, there is Grandmaster Yinshun’s article, encouraging and supported his disciple to persevere in charity welfare even when facing hardships and obstructions.


The four words " Sincerity, Integrity, Faith, and Steadfastness ” , not only are Master’s earnest exhortations to her disciples but also formed the solemn humanistic mission for the Tzu Chi magazine.


(Film): During the 55 years of history of this monthly magazine, with the progress and development of the time, there were changes in appearance and style. We started the monthly magazine 14 months after the establishment of the Tzu Chi Merit Society, and the first 12 to 13 years were for the purpose of showing the promotion of positive news, nurturing thinking and showing the results of charity welfare.  The magazine bore witness of the work of a group of women gathering to do kind deeds in that poor desolate era. Until 1980s when we proposed to build a hospital in Hualien, then only the magazine began to circulate to whole Taiwan, emphasizing the purpose of building hospital in Hualien  and allowing people to cherished their blessings on witnessing the sufferings of people.


On 25th Jan, Master in conversation with American Tzu Chi volunteers : " Resources for charity is like a big water tank,  and it welcomed the people in need to come and get the water, for it  would always be more than enough; the water is akin to the collections of bits of love from the kind general public. In order to ensure the water is in copious supply for general use and does not dry up, this would required the confidence of the public from seeing the  selfless deeds of Tzu Chi volunteers, only then the benefactors would continue to extend their helping hands for the people in need in the long run.

(Film): Where there are sufferings,  we can behold the sight of Tzu Chi volunteers dressed in the familiar blue and white. Do what is right,  for this is the good thoughts and actions embedded long ago in the minds of Tzu Chi volunteers.                  


Master: "We have to do things for this world, so our strength  cannot  be divided, and cannot be separated from the main-knot in this dumpling twines that binds us altogether.


Be it Charity, Medical, Education or Humanistic Culture, it needs to be bound together under the main-knot to form a complete system, with each component bearing the same spiritual source. This is the spirit of the Dharma lineage that Master started from Taiwan.


Master started her words with a small laughter : Recently when I thought of the creation of four Great Mission, I thought I was  very great!


The 'greatness' that I am speaking of, lies in the good affinity that I have formed with everyone in my past lives.

Tzu Chi is our home, the four Missions are akin to four brothers that will not be divided. The Jingsi Dharma lineage having linked with Tzu Chi School of Buddhism. Forming the charity welfare , medical care, education and humanistic culture. From One Dharma Lineage  opening the doors for 4 Great Missions.

When Master is still around here, all of us belonged to the first generation of disciples… 


As long as the first generation remains strong and stable, what we do would be propagated down the generations.


From the bits and pieces of records found in Tzu Chi Monthly magazines, we traced back to the main-knot of twines for the dumplings, the source of the original Spirit of Tzu Chi Dharma lineage.

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